Last Saturday was Drift Day 4 hosted by Club4AG. The event, as usual, was GREAT. A lot of people surprised me with their enthusiasm to learn, and a lot of people surprised me with how quickly they’ve built their skills. It was an exciting day for me… because I had the chance to go out onto the skid pad with Nadine and get her used to making some circles with her rear tires. She did great… and I can’t wait to teach her harder things like weight transfer and stuff. Honey, don’t be discouraged if you aren’t out drifting in 2nd gear on your first day… you need to learn to crawl before you can walk… and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure that you can crawl better than anybody else :)
As for me, I didn’t get much track time since I was staff, but for the few times I WAS out there, I did pretty well. Kenji told me to go faster… so that day I learned to throw my car into a turn way faster than I ever would, and let the sliding slow my car for the proper entry speed of the turn. It’s kinda like watching D1 at Ebisu except at a pitiful beginner’s level – Hahaha. Anyway, I will be working hard to get over my nervousness, and at the same time I’ll be working hard on getting better… faster… working on the small details… working on being more consistent at high speeds… and adapting to new track layouts quickly.
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