Okay so I’ve been neglecting the journal. BUT I’ve been thinking about it everyday! See, you’re loved journal, even though I don’t tell it to your face.
Man 7 months? That’s pretty much the entire drifting season huh? Needless to say, a lot has happened and a lot has changed. But thank God, things have been changing for the better!
I don’t even know where to start… So maybe I won’t even try and recap EVERYTHING. Here’s a real quick and dirty recap:
- I crashed my car at the Home Depot Center while drifting the media/ride-along day for NOPI drift. Not bad, just some rear bumper scrapage, and bent lower control arm, and a bent wheel (this hurt the most!)
- Nadine and I were invited by ClubFR to go to Chicago and we judged their Midwest Competition. A quick trip but so fun nonetheless!
- The infamous Paz and Laura stayed at my house and Paz drifted my car! It was the best time ever! Gash!
- Nadine is pregnant!!! We’ve been waiting so long for this to happen… we’ve planned and planned and finally, things came together and we realized that the time is right. Kristy is excited and we’re excited… and we also found out – It’s a girl!
- Last night I had dinner with Dai Yoshihara and we talked about everything under the sun. I’m glad that I have a “drifting” friend who I can share real life with. But I’m also glad to realize that I don’t envy the Formula D life anymore. I’m a well adjusted normal guy with a family and a future to plan for. I miss those days but I wouldn’t give up what I have now to get those days back.
So I haven’t driven for a month. I think I’m gonna go back out in the next week or so to get it out of my system. Poor Nadine had to stop because of the baby, so I won’t rub it in her face. I’ll just come home and say “ehhh, it was OK.” even though it was probably pretty awesome!
I’m going to work on this site a lot more since I won’t be driving as much for Nadine’s sake. There are a bunch of things I wanted to do to it…
Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and friends!
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