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Marc sent me this link to a quiz game the other day. It is now affecting my productivity.

It’s a really well done site. I’m not sure how they’ve afforded to do so many episodes!

Sweaty Palms

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I know… the title sounds totally disgusting right?

Well, if there’s anything in life that makes my hands get all sweaty and clammy, it’s heights. Look at this bridge, which holds the world record for having the largest distance between the deck of the bridge and the ground. You can fit the Empire State building (tallest building in my IMAGINATION) underneath the bridge and still have more room to spare.

This is what got me though… Look at the pictures of that guy walking across the cables. All that is separating him from a long and horrible fall is rotten wood and nets.


When you do an engine swap, you pop the engine out and put the new one in…

When you do a chassis swap, you pop off the chassis and put the new one on top! Or at least that’s how they do it in the UK!

Here are some pictures of my good ol’ chap Perry from the UK:

And this is his brand new trunk from Toyota! Bling bling!


Ninja Cat

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—–180sx: im outa here, talk rob into NOT doing origin
—–180sx: later
me: god
me: i just tried!
—–180sx: wah wahh masato will be mad

this was a convo about 10 minutes earlier:
me: that front bumper is hot.
me: can u get that
rob: no
rob: i have to do origin haha
rob: but its ok, its like basiclaly free
me: ok
me: thanks for shattering my dreams

we hate you rob.