Yeah, did you know that I wrote the program for my journal? Yeah, it’s FREAKING FANCY… I have this page where I have a secure login and I can type in my own journal entries and stuff and it will update this journal page automatically for me – because I AM A NERD.
Anyway, I’m noticing that I’m becoming a part of this whole blogging community. Funny since I’ve been “blogging” since like 1998? When I first started there wasn’t all this fancy blogging software – you just had to know html and make it look like what blogs look like now – only now, you can add comments and have all kinds of cool little features. After writing this program, I just got a notice from my webhosting company that they are giving us a new feature that will let you put a blog on your site. Nice one – you guys are like 3 years late!
Oh well, I guess I already started this project. I may as well continue with it and add the features like commenting and blog rolls and all that good stuff. I wonder what other cool things I can program into it?
On a side note, thanks to everybody who has linked to my blog. I’ll link you back soon, I promise!
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