Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! I had a great time last night, due to the fact that I’m living such a great life with Nadine and Kristy. Nadine and I were instructing and staffing at Drift Day last weekend (both days), and I had the chance to watch Nadine drift in 3rd gear, low angle, consistently, and she even learned to use the brakes when she was going too fast. I couldn’t ask for a better Valentine’s gift than that! I mean, come on… your girlfriend drifting better than mostly everybody on the track?? That’s awesome! She can figure out how to drift an entire track in a couple laps now… that, to me, is a huge step. Next is line and figuring out how make changes to go through the course faster. I’m excited!
I love to instruct… I was able to help so many people this past weekend, and the thing that made it all worth it to me was that people were thanking me at the end of the day for helping them learn so much. I guess the fact that I have so much fun drifting makes instructing so awesome… because I can help give somebody the joy that I get from drifting.
I drifted a 510 this weekend… remind me to never do that again. Hahaha! The lack of the rack and pinion made it so difficult… I mean, I got it to slide a few times, but it was just so hard, and I think I hurt myself haha! Thanks for letting me drive it Adam! Hiroo let me drift his E36 M3 and it was fun… but difficult. The steering was kind of funny and you can’t get much angle in the car… I guess you’d have to drive it a lot like a car with a short wheelbase. Alex was riding with me when I was drifting Naoki’s car and was talking soooooo much $#!t about my driving, and then I got out and let him drive instead, and he took out the entire sweeper’s cones and broke Naoki’s bumper off in the process. Hahaha!! Moded, you jerk!! Not to say that I didn’t break any cars though… Ed Loh let me drive his car and in the process his driveshaft snapped!! I kicked the clutch mid-drift and POP! It shot out the rear of the car and Hiroo brought it to us. That was insane… so poor Ed towed his car back to c-tune and got it replaced. It’s not really my fault that it snapped, but I felt really bad anyway, since he had to go through all the trouble to get it fixed. Sorry Ed!
Jonathan and Scott Oshiri, you guys rocked… you picked it up so fast! I hope to see you guys at more events! Let’s do tandem one day!
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