previously the journal.

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I just finished watching this movie called Helvetica.

It’s a sci-fi set in the future about this alien race who were trying to retake their planet Helvetica.

No… actually, it’s a documentary…

About the font.

It’s an hour and 20 minutes long.


The documentary is pretty eye-opening… it’s like when somebody first informs you that you’re breathing oxygen and you say what? really?  Helvetica is used EVERYWHERE.  Almost as much as oxygen.

If you have the slightest interest in type design I’d suggest it if you haven’t seen it already.  I don’t really have any interest in type design, but design always facinates me even though I suck at it.  You should also watch it if you enjoy listening to crazy designers and their far out thoughts and ideas.  People have some really strong opinions about Helvetica!

My New Blog


Some of you may have not noticed, but I finally moved servers.  I got a free domain name with it, so welcome to

If you subscribed to my previous blog with an rss reader, please update your link!  My new rss feed link is:

If you came from, then if you look up, you’ll see that you’re now at  I decided a long time ago that my site needed a makeover, but at the same time I wanted to keep the way that it looked… so won’t change… it will look like that forever (probably not a good thing).

You’ll also notice that I’ve finally given in and turned my blog into a wordpress blog!  My previous blog was entirely programmed by me, and there was just too much neat stuff out there for me to keep up with.  Plus I had no time to be programming a blog!  I’d rather be doing stuff and getting paid for it!

Thanks for reading guys… I promise to update more often!


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That title is scary, isn’t it?

Don’t worry I haven’t been laid off, but it’s hitting pretty close to home. I know people that have been laid off and I know many more who have had layoffs at their place of employment. We had our 3rd round of layoffs here at work and thanks to God my job is still OK. But man, these are scary times…

A very sad day

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I first heard on the news about this incident mid-last week – a 4 year old girl somehow died when she climbed into a front-load washing machine as her 15 month old brother turned it on. My first thoughts were about how tragic that situation is and how hard it would be for the family to cope with something like that.

Friday night I found out I was invited to her memorial service… Chills ran up and down my entire body when I realized that I am old friends with the father. I was looking at pictures of their family… wondering what I would do in that situation. Thinking about how one minute you have a perfect happy family and the next minute it’s torn apart and you have to try and pick up the pieces of your shattered life. I don’t know how I’d cope… I wouldn’t be able to comfort my wife and I can’t even begin to think about my feelings for my youngest child.

I am so sorry about what happened… Words can’t express how badly I wish their family strength and peace through this ordeal. It will probably take a really long time to heal… but I hope it’s sooner than later.

These are one of those moments that make you reflect on your own life and realize how much you take your loved ones for granted.

I hope you all had a good new year. I had a fun one with the friends… although it was a little hazy due to all the drinking before hand. I think that we even counted down after midnight already passed.

Got any resolutions for 2009? I’ve never made any new year resolutions, mostly because I’m a firm believer in always trying to become a better person. BUT if I had to choose one, I guess I would say to be a better father. Kristy is really teaching me so much about what it means to be a father and I think it’s probably the most difficult thing a man can do. Being a father takes some serious effort – as in life changing effort! She is definitely opening my eyes constantly and making me realize that being a father is less about setting ground rules and being a firm dictator, but more about empathy and guidance. I sound old!

Speaking of old… look at how old this blog is!! If you count the time when I was blogging before I made, I think this blog would be 10 years old. If not, then this entry marks the start of it’s 9th year. Are you kidding me??? Where has all the time gone?

Merry Christmas!

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I know, I’m late, but yesterday was HECTIC!!