previously the journal.

Browsing Posts in Just Talking

We had an earthquake today measured at 5.8 magnitude and I was only a few miles away from the epicenter. Earthquakes always get you, even if you’ve lived in Southern California your whole life. But it doesn’t get you as much as people who grew up out of state! 2 of my 3 coworkers are from Chicago so they really didn’t get what was going on. It was kind of funny but also kind of scary that I was not too concerned about it.

We really haven’t had any earthquakes this size for maybe like 10-15years? I’ve gotten used to it. Now that my family and I live on our own, it’s time to start thinking how we can earthquake-proof the things in our home, including having earthquake supplies.

Here’s a couple interesting links:
A map showing earthquake activity in real-time – yes, we are constantly having earthquakes even if we don’t feel them.
Chronological Listing of Earthquakes in Southern California

I was looking through Time magazine’s website and found the article The Best in the Online World. It’s a top 50 listing of user-voted websites. A few sites on the list that I enjoy or have enjoyed are Geni, Kongregate, The Nest, Urban Dictionary, Playboy, oh wait that last one isn’t in there.

One that caught my eye was Carbonrally. This is a GREAT site! It lists a bunch of lifestyle challenges that have a positive effect on global warming. For the most part, challenges are simple things to do and don’t require a huge amount of dedication. I think it shows that taking small steps towards a greater good is more effective than trying to get people to turn their lives upside down.

What is nice is that it lists a tangible measure of how much you are helping the environment. So I actually know how much of a difference I’m making when I use reusable grocery bags instead of the plastic ones. Some of these numbers are impossible to calculate though, since you can’t say how much you will improve since everybody shops in different frequencies.

I think I’ve already reduced my carbon footprint by huge amounts – I haven’t drifted in a year. They should list that as a challenge, because it hasn’t been easy!

What do you guys think? Want to try a challenge? Let’s create a team and do it together!

Jon Sibal

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So I’ve recently found my old friend Jon Sibal on the internet – not that he’s ever LEFT the internet, it’s just that we kind of lost touch over the years, as he got married and I got married and got into drifting and stuff. Anyways, Jon has always been a really impressive artist, being heavily involved as an inker for some big name comic books (here’s an example of his work). Recently, he’s been doing a lot of impressive automotive photoshops where he’ll take a photo of a stock car, and somehow transforms it into a scene from a movie.

Here’s what he did for a Scion competition (which he won):

Scion XD – Shell Shocked by *jonsibal on deviantART

Well I was just browsing and admiring his work and this totally jumped out at me. He made a portrait of his wife using words that he associates with her. I was so blown away by this portrait, which is a pretty big deal because I’m always so amazed at his work anyway. What an awesome job, Jon! I just had to share with everybody. Build a studio to showcase your talent already!

More than Words by *jonsibal on deviantART

Visit Jon’s diviantART site where he posts his recent works.

Or, you can go to his blog and read him ramble on and on about European cars that break down 3 years after you buy them and are worth the same amount as used Acuras.

Ever wondered about the origins of the phrase “head honcho”? I always just assumed it was a word in Spanish because it ends in “o”. Yeah, I guess I’m racist. Just be happy I didn’t say that the word is Mexican. Okay-o? defines it as “a leader, esp. an assertive leader; chief”. The word honcho is actually Japanese – han (squad) + cho (head, chief).

This vocabulary lesson was inspired by the show Dogfights on The History Channel. The term honcho was often used during the Korean war to label skilled enemy pilots.

Ever watch that show by the way? I love it.

MY Journal

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Yeah, did you know that I wrote the program for my journal? Yeah, it’s FREAKING FANCY… I have this page where I have a secure login and I can type in my own journal entries and stuff and it will update this journal page automatically for me – because I AM A NERD.

Anyway, I’m noticing that I’m becoming a part of this whole blogging community. Funny since I’ve been “blogging” since like 1998? When I first started there wasn’t all this fancy blogging software – you just had to know html and make it look like what blogs look like now – only now, you can add comments and have all kinds of cool little features. After writing this program, I just got a notice from my webhosting company that they are giving us a new feature that will let you put a blog on your site. Nice one – you guys are like 3 years late!

Oh well, I guess I already started this project. I may as well continue with it and add the features like commenting and blog rolls and all that good stuff. I wonder what other cool things I can program into it?

On a side note, thanks to everybody who has linked to my blog. I’ll link you back soon, I promise!

Yeah, sometimes you wonder and you look things up.

I know you want to know where it came from!
Soul Makossa (

Listen to it on iTunes!
Manu Dibango